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Eat Play Love

Reiki & Herb Valerian Pots

Reiki & Herb Valerian Pots

Regular price £11.40 GBP
Regular price Sale price £11.40 GBP
Sale Sold out
Tax included.

Reiki & Herb is a fellow Bristol-based company. A portion of all proceeds are donated to Holly Hedge Animal Sanctuary, where Helen, the founder of Reiki & Herb, volunteers.

The Valerian Herb Pot can be used to help soothe, calm and comfort your cat or dog, promoting a safe and relaxing environment. 

The Herb Pot can be used with its lid permanently off for them to consume, or vented in 2 different positions for everyday use around them. Can also be sprinkled onto surfaces, such as bedding for your animal to roll in.

Valerian is perfectly safe and natural for your animal to consume or inhale and can be used daily, to eliminate stress. Offer some on your hands and let your animal guide you to what it needs at that very moment.

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